Volunteers needed: Contribute to Grow Macon’s gardening project in East Macon

It's part of the organization's effort to create community unity and provide fresh produce to local residents.
Volunteers Needed East Macon Grow Garden Plant

MACON, Georgia (41NBC/WMGT) –  Grow Macon, Inc., an organization with a mission of ending food insecurity, decreasing crime, educating the next generation of gardeners/farmers and re-establishing the lost sense of community among the residents of East Macon, will host a planting session on Saturday, December 9 at a community garden at 1108 Eastview Avenue in Macon.

The event, which will start at 10 a.m., is part of the organization’s effort to create community unity and provide fresh produce to local residents.

A Macon-Bibb news release says the organization is asking for about 20 volunteers to assist in planting and educating nearby residents on garden care.

The community garden was established earlier this year across the street from apartments that house most of the children Grow Macon serves.

“This community garden will serve as a transformative force for the area by bringing people together and helping build relationships as they work towards a common goal,” Grow Macon founder and lifelong east Macon resident Charmiska Myers said.

During the last volunteer event, about 50 people contributed to build 14 beds. Three more are pending completion.

Saturday’s planting will include cold weather crops such as collards, broccoli, cabbage and lemon grass. Grow Macon bought the plants from the horticultural and agricultural departments at Northeast High School and Appling Middle School.

“We really want to help get more people, especially those in low-income communities, to grow fresh food on their own,” Myers said. “We’ll be showing them what to do, providing them with easy-to-use pamphlets and giving them a number to call if they need further assistance.”

Grow Macon, a Macon Violence Prevention partner, received a $20,000 grant this year from the Community Foundation of Central Georgia for The Shared Roots Initiative, which aims to reduce food insecurity and provide more supervised youth activities while fostering character development and relationship building within the community.

“I strongly believe a strong and united community is the key to reducing violent crime and creating a brighter future for East Macon,” Myers said.

If you’re interested in volunteering, or if you’d like more information about the community garden, contact Charmiska Myers at growmaconnpo@gmail.com or call (478) 216-8447.

Categories: Bibb County, Community Calendar, Featured, Local News