What’s Right With Our Schools: Volunteer fire fighters teach students lessons for part of a day

CRAWFORD COUNTY, Georgia (41NBC/WMGT) – Teachers at Crawford County Elementary are stepping aside and allowing volunteer fire fighters to teach lessons for part of the day.

Volunteer fire fighters from Crawford and Peach counties teamed up to educate students on how to protect themselves and their families during a house fire.

Lieutenant Judith Samuels with The Crawford County Fire Department says, “We teach them how to get out of the homes safely, what to do if their clothes catch on fire, like stop drop and roll. We tell them what number to call 911, we teach them when you change your clock, change your batteries in your smoke alarms.”

In their fire prevention show, fire fighters showed what to do in a fire.

First grader Carmen Raines says, “The smoke alarm lets you know there is a fire.

The fire fighters also explained just how important a smoke detector can be.

Fifth grader Maddie Johnson says, “If I hear the smoke alarm, I’m going to find an exit, find my family and get out of there and go to our safe place.”

“Get down low and crawl and make sure that the direction of the fire, go to the opposite way and at least find an exit or at least don’t hide in a closet or hide under a bed,” fifth grader Makale Harris adds.

The fire fighters’ lessons included music, dancing, and skits to help students remember the potentially life saving lessons.

Samuels adds, “We make it fun, so instead of just standing there being boring telling statistics and all, we make if fun and they absorb it better.”

“My favorite part would probably have been when they gave the little performance of the door and the fire extinguisher and everything,” says second grader Leinah Deloach.

Fire fighters expect the students to spread the message “EDITH”, exit drills in the home, and take it home to share with their parents so they can all help prevent fires, and respond quickly in the face of danger.

Volunteer firefighters have been doing fire prevention shows at local schools for 11 years. They say they have made a difference in children lives and want to continue doing just that.




Categories: Crawford County, Education, Local News, Special Report, What’s Right With Our Schools

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