What’s Right With Our Schools: Foothills Charter School gives students second change to graduate

MILLEDGEVILLE, Georgia (41NBC/WMGT) – Educators in Milledgeville are giving students from all across central Georgia a second chance at their educational opportunity.

Camille Murner is the Co-Director of Foothills Charter School in Milledgeville. She and her staff are giving students a second chance to graduate with a high school diploma.

“If you’ve dropped out in the ninth grade and now you’re sixteen and you decided hey this was a big huge mistake and I’m struggling know that our doors are open and we are more than glad to have you. They do a lot of their work from home. It’s computer-based and then they come in for all of the instructional help that they need,” Murner says.

The school offers tutors who are available for every subject and each student is assigned mentors to help them stay on the right track. School officials say what makes Foothills Charter so unique is the flexible schedule. Students agree.

“I work three days a week and usually finish up around seven so I can get here at like 7:30 and work from 7:30 until 9,” says Megan Rackley who is a senior.

So that traditional 8 hour school day doesn’t apply Foothills’ students. Tests and quizzes are taken on campus but students have an option to complete coursework at home. Though they don’t have to report to campus everyday, mentors like Marshell Cleveland will notify students when they’re falling behind.

Cleveland explains, “Even though they can work at their own pace, some of the classes are on a time frame and so rather than having the class reset, I would just like for them to pick up the pace a little bit, work a little bit at home, work more at home and school and come in a little bit more so they can keep on track and be able to finish the courses that they need in the allotted time.”

The school is open to students in any area county who can get transportation to come to the site. The main goal is to finish what they’ve started.

“If you don’t have that piece of paper in your hand, that there are so many roadblocks that are going to happen in your life that are just unfortunate that are going to affect their life,” Murner continues.

Cleveland adds, “If they work harder, they can finish sooner. If they slack, it’s going to take them a little time.”

Foothills Charter School is open from 4 p.m until 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Special needs staff are also available for students with disabilities.

You can register online or onsite.

Categories: Baldwin County, Education, Local News, Special Report, What’s Right With Our Schools

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