TECH BYTE: Kids Orders

(41NBC/WMGT) —A lot of technology is so easy to use nowadays, even a toddler can do it! That was the case recently in Kingsville, Texas, when a two-year-old made a pretty big food order, using his mom’s smartphone. Let’s see how you can keep something like this from happening to you.

Kelsey Golden thought her two-year-old son Barrett was just taking pictures of himself with her phone like he sometimes does, instead he was buying those 31 cheeseburgers from McDonald’s. The order cost $91.70 – $61.58 for the burgers, plus a $16 tip. A couple of years ago mom of two Jenny “Schull-tee” Schulte had to deal with her then three and five-year-old kids buying Disney movies through Amazon Prime, since she knows from experience, Schulte says parents with small kids should keep a closer eye on their device activity.

Make sure to lock certain apps on your phone, and require passwords for e-mail and pictures to prevent any unwanted access, because most parents don’t want to spend an extra $100 on fast food, that they didn’t budget for.

Categories: Featured, Tech Byte