Tech Byte: The AI making recycling more effective

Although taking out the trash and recycling are part of our daily lives, many of us are doing it incorrectly. Meaning that much of what gets thrown in to the recycling bin, doesn’t actually get recycled. Let’s take a look at how technology is making it easier than ever to make sure your recycling doesn’t wind up in a landfill.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. alone generates more than 292 million tons of trash per year. Out of all that trash, only 69 million tons gets recycled each year. That’s why AT&T is testing out a new artificial intelligence that can help employees sort their trash the right way.

The AI is named Oscar, after everyone’s favorite grouch, and he does the sorting for you. The AI uses a camera to see what needs to be sorted and a 32 inch display to tell you where to put you paper and plastic waste. Simply step up to the recycling bins and show him your trash. Oscar even has encouraging fun facts about the impact of recycling to share with users. For example, did you know that recycling one ton of paper can save 17 trees?

Right now, AT&T say they’re testing Oscar in its Dallas headquarters cafeteria. If he’s effective, they’ll use him to help employees sort trash at other offices across the country.

Categories: Tech Byte