Mom to Mom: St. Patrick’s Day DIY for kids

Today’s project is a DIY pair of leprechaun binoculars for St. Patrick’s Day. Your kids will be so excited to take their homemade binoculars out on a leprechaun hunt and you only need a few simple materials to start.

The base for your binoculars are two toilet paper rolls. Once you have those, grab a hole punch, some scissors, a glue gun, some yarn, and anything else your kids might want to decorate with. Go ahead and assemble the binoculars with your glue gun. If you have clothespins lying around, use it to pinch the toilet paper rolls together while the glue dries. Now that your binoculars are built, your kids get to do the fun part.

When your kids are happy with their decorations, its time to make a handle. Take the hole punch you grabbed earlier and pop a hole on both sides of the binoculars. Cut some yarn to the length you want thread it through the hole you just made. Tie your ends and you’re done!

All that’s left to do is take a walk around your neighborhood and find those mischievous leprechauns.

Categories: Mom to Mom