41NBC News | WMGT-DTJones County set to receive internet in underserved areas - 41NBC News | WMGT-DT https://www.41nbc.com Middle Georgia news, weather, sports, and everything you need to know in between! Wed, 06 Sep 2023 04:05:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wpcdn.us-east-1.vip.tn-cloud.net/www.41nbc.com/content/uploads/2021/01/cropped-touch-icon-32x32.png Jones County set to receive internet in underserved areas - 41NBC News | WMGT-DT https://www.41nbc.com/jones-county-set-to-receive-internet-in-underserved-areas/ 32 32 Jones County set to receive internet in underserved areas https://www.41nbc.com/jones-county-set-to-receive-internet-in-underserved-areas/ Wed, 06 Sep 2023 01:44:17 +0000 https://www.41nbc.com/?p=1077295

GRAY, Georgia (41NBC/WMGT) – Jones County Commissioners have partnered with internet service provider TriCoGo to deliver broadband internet to underserved areas.

The plan is to use $5 million from American Rescue Plan funds for the project.

County Administrator Jason Rizner says this change has been anticipated for awhile.

“We’re excited about the residents that will now have access to high speed internet,” Rizner said. “We know that that’s essential for life now and so we’re excited about the opportunity to partner with them and help out a lot of Jones Countians.”

Nearly 2,000 homes and businesses in Jones County will receive fiber optic internet.

Rizner says this will not only help households but surrounding facilities that are in need of fast internet as well.

The county says the project should be complete by the end of the year.

Categories: Featured, Jones County, Local News